Radius Indiana teams with South Central Indiana for Louisville economic outreach

November 1, 2022

BEDFORD, Ind. (Nov. 2, 2022) — Radius Indiana partnered with South Central Indiana Economic Development Group to share insights about their respective southern Indiana regions as co-hosts of an educational session for site selectors and business advisers in downtown Louisville Oct. 27. The event marks the third joint economic effort by the two organizations, representing a total of 17 southern Indiana counties.  The session is part of Radius Indiana’s ongoing outreach program to raise awareness about the business strengths and opportunities in the region. The leaders from Radius Indiana and SCIED Group shared the regions with their southern neighbors, showcasing the benefits of doing business in the regions, as well as new programs at work to attract population and strengthen existing businesses. Tony Denhart, executive vice president of Workforce and Talent for the Indiana Economic Development Corporation served as the guest speaker for the session and shared initiatives underway to help Indiana businesses attract and retain talent.  Representatives from the regions’ Local Economic Development Organizations as well as Wendy Dant Chesser or One Southern Indiana joined Radius President and CEO Jeff Quyle and SCIED President Darrell Voelker for the event.  “New development in either of our areas can have a significant effect on our neighboring counties. We share resources, workforce and infrastructure with many of the Radius counties and any opportunity we have to work together only strengthens our ability to attract and grow business,” said Voelker. Jessica Potts, Executive Director of the Martin County Alliance, who joined the organization this summer added, “This was my first opportunity to meet with site selectors and share information about Martin County to decision makers outside our region. The collaboration between Radius and South Central Indiana shows how much working together can provide a greater reach for our economic development efforts.” “We are continually looking for opportunities to share our region with business leaders who help national and global companies make decisions about where to locate or expand their businesses,” said Quyle. “We are happy to reinstate this event after having to take a two-year break from in-person meetings. It is in the true spirit of regionalism that Radius and the SCIED Group came together for this effort. We have diverse assets, but a common mission—to grow the economy in southern Indiana."


ABOUT RADIUS INDIANA: Radius Indiana is a regional economic development partnership representing eight counties in Southern Indiana: Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Orange, and Washington. Formed in 2009, Radius Indiana also serves as a point of contact in Indiana for Naval Support Activity Crane and leads regional collaboration by leveraging the diverse assets of the region to drive attraction, retention and expansion of business, thereby increasing employment and investment opportunities and quality of life within the region.